
Saturday, 20 August 2011

Summer Special

Go camping

Our survey respondants said:
There were times when I loved taking my camper and parking it in a campsite and spend the week, reading, hiking and such

I must say that I'm not a great camping fan myself, but I do remember a few good times sitting around the campfire when I was younger. I like the idea of a campervan, much more than the tents that I used to sleep in. If you're sitting there thinking 'I don't have a campervan, or a tent', then that doesn't mean you can't go camping of course. With a bit of resourcefullness, its possible to make a shelter using only an old taupalin and a few large sticks. So, if the wild outdoors appeals to you, why not find a way to make it work for you, or (particularlt good if you have kids) set up a tent in your garden for a change.

Over to you:
Tell us your camping anadotes. 
Do you love or hate camping?

There are more opportunities to share your own stories over at 'The Story Factory Writing Zone' from this afternoon onwards. 


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