For the past few weeks television has been full of the special event that will be happening tomorrow- the royal marriage. I've been mostly trying to avoid it (a task which is practically impossible), but tomorrow I plan to finally start celebrating along with the nation and the world.
During the day I plan to go to Blenheim Palace where they're having a special jousting tournament. I haven't been to one of these for quite a long time, so it should be great.
Then, in the evening, we have our town bun throwing event. "Bun throwing?" I hear you ask, "what's that". Well, its a tradition to celebrate royal occassios here by throwing buns off the top off the town hall to the people below. Its a very fun event, with some people even bringing upside down umbrellas too help them to catch more buns. No idea where the tradition comes from, but its worth joining in with if you ever get the chance.
First posted on 'The Story Factory Reading Zone'
Have you ever been to a jousting tourament? Do you have any local historical events near you?
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